Köfte and Pasta with Yoghurt Sauce €1,76

Köfte and Pasta with Yoghurt Sauce is an ideal summer dish. Some people might hear “yoghurt sauce” and not directly think of something appetising, but with the right spices yoghurt sauce is a really tasty and refreshing sauce.

The pasta really needs to be penne pasta. Farfalle might work too. It needs to be a thicker kind of pasta. Spaghetti or macaroni or vermicelli will make it too mushy combined with the yoghurt sauce; you need something to bite on.

For the minced meat I used half beef half pork. You can also use full pork or full lamb. Full chicken and full beef is too low in fat for this recipe. The köfte has no egg in it so it needs the fat of the meat to prevent it from turning out dry.


  • Leftovers you can use for this dish: Raw bellpepper or bellpepper out of the oven is really delicious to serve with this dish. If you have many leftover bellpeppers you can replace the tomato and cucumber with it. Chives and parsley can be used to garnish this dish. Raw onion rings, olives and canned peppers can also be addes to the salad.

Tips for big eaters:

  • Use more pasta, yoghurt, cucumber and tomato. 100-125 gram uncooked pasta is what the average person eats in one meal. You could go for 125-150 gram raw pasta.

Other tips:

  • I use the 2% fat Greek yoghurt. The sauce is secretly tastier with 10% fat Greek yoghurt. But that is less healthy ofcourse.
  • It is not mandatory to put the köfte in the oven. You can also bake them in a pan like a meatball. See this recipe for meatballs how to prepare them correctly.
  • If you like spicy you can add chili flakes or other peppers IN the köfte.

Köfte and Pasta with Yoghurt Sauce

Recipe by Chef Labecaque


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 100 gram Minced Meat

  • 1 Tomato

  • 100 gram Penne Pasta

  • 4 tablespoons Greek Yoghurt

  • 1/3 Cucumber

  • 1 Garlic Clove

  • 1/4 teaspoon Mint

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin/Caraway (powder)

  • 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon

  • Salt & Pepper

  • 1 teaspoon Chili Flakes

  • 1 tablespoon Oil


  • Turn on the oven on 200 degrees/365 fahrenheit. Mince the garlic and add it to the minced meat. Add the mint, cumin, cinnamon, salt and pepper too. Make long balls and put them in an ovendish. Put them in the oven for 25 minutes.
  • Cook the pasta in water with salt.
  • Cube the cucumber and tomato and mix them together with some salt.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of oil to a pan and heat the chili flakes short and quickly in it together with salt. Watch out; chili flakes burn fast so be prepapred to turn off the heat quickly.
  • Put the salad on a plate and the köfte next to it. Add the pasta, put the yoghurt on it, and put the oil with the chili flakes on top of the yoghurt.

Costs of Köfte and Pasta with Yoghurt Sauce:

Costs of the ingredients last updated on: 27-07-2024 (see FAQ):

Tomato1 piece€0,12Jumbo
Penne100 gram€0,19Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
Greek Yoghurt4 tablespoons€0,16Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
Minced Meat100 gram€0,91Jumbo AH Coop Aldi
Cucumber1/3 piece€0,26Jumbo Aldi
Garlic1 clove€0,05Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
Cinnamon powder1/4 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Cumin powder1/2 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Dried Mint1/4 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Salt & PepperTo taste€0,01Every supermarket
Sunflower oil 15 ml/1 tablespoon€0,03Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
No special offers/coupons and bulk-deals etc. are used in these calculations.
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