Chili Con Carne €2,41

This is a quick and healthy chili con carne made from brown beans and green bell pepper. It is such a simple recipe that I just do not have much to tell about it.


  • Some Turkish supermarkets or toko’s in the Netherlands sell bell peppers that are overripe for cheaper. Maybe there are places around you too that sell vegetables that need to go for a lower price.
  • Dried beans are even cheaper. You have to soak them for one night. Use half of the beans you need since they double in weight. If the recipe calls for 340 grams canned beans, you use 170 grams dried beans.
  • Leftover you can use: leek, coriander, parsley, carrot, avocado, corn.

Tips for big eaters:

  • The recipe already has a lot of beans for one person, but you can also buy an bigger jar.
  • Add rice to the chili con carne.

Other tips:

  • The original recipe calls for 200 grams of beans. But a can of 200 gram beans is the same price as one of 340 grams! You might have leftovers for lunch!
  • I threw in a madame Jeanette/adjuma pepper. Any pepper, sambal or hot sauce will go great with this!
  • The bell pepper can be any colour.
  • If you do not eat pork you can use minced beef. This has less fat so make sure to use some oil or butter when baking.

Chili Con Carne €2,41

Recipe by Chef Labecaque


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 100 gram minced pork/beef

  • 340 gram canned Brown Beans

  • 1 Onion

  • 1 Tomato

  • 1 clove of Garlic

  • 1/2 green Bell Pepper

  • 1/2 teaspoon Smoked Paprikapowder/Chilipowder

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin or Caraway powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon regular Paprikapowder/Chilipowder

  • Salt & Pepper

  • Optional chili flakes or peppers


  • Peel the onion and garlic and dice them. Dice the tomato an Bell pepper.
  • Fry the onion, garlic, tomato and bell pepper in a frying pan.
  • When the onion is done you add the meat, the spices and the optional peppers.
  • Add the beans if the meat is done. Stir until warm and add some extra salt or spices if needed.

Costs of the Chili Con Carne:

Costs of the ingredients last updated on: 23-02-2024 (see FAQ):

Tomato1 piece€0,12Jumbo
Bell Pepper (mix)1/2 piece€0,33Jumbo AH Plus Coop
Brown Beans340 gram€0,82Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
Minced Meat100 gram€0,91Jumbo AH Coop Aldi
Onion1 piece€0,15AH Plus Coop
Garlic1 clove€0,05Jumbo AH Plus Coop Aldi
Paprika/Chilipowder1/2 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Cuminpowder1/2 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Smoked Paprika/Chilipowder1/2 teaspoon€0,01Toko
Zout & PeperTo taste€0,01Every supermarket
No special offers/coupons and bulk-deals etc. are used in these calculations.

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