
Well the title explains it.


Well; yeah probably. I make this based on supermarkets in the Netherlands; and once a few months calculated the new prices. But most people do not come from the Netherlands on this website so yeah… they are off probably.

This website is recipe’s I have collected due to my own frugal passion. The kitchens mainly come from the northern hemisphere. That bans all around the world from north america, several european countries, severeal asian countries. All the places where things grow that are cheap for me because they grow here too! Think cabbage, carrot, peas, beans, potato, onion, leek. If you live in such an area it might be cheap for you too!

Or maybe you can replace certain items. I adjusted a lot of recipes with nuts, tubers, types of cabbages, that dó grow here. I have a recipe based on wintermelon… I don’t even know if I can find that here..

It is about getting inspired for ideas to eat cheaper or different!

I am a way bigger or smaller eater! What now?

Recipes on here might be for a lot of people too small. I eat around 300-400 calories per meal. You might guess then that I eat more then 3 times a day. I eat 6 meals a day; and do not do heavy physical work. I can not make recipes that will fit everyone. People are so different. But If you know now; well you could adjust the amount of portions, or also snack more healthy during the day if you can, or make some nice side next to it.

Why are there no recipes for 3 or 5 or 476 people?

There is an reason I talk in portions and not in people. I try to make as much of recipes for 1. Since I am also 1 and need to eat it lol. But 1 is also handy to make for as much as people you like. You just matheth it with the amount of persons. If something is 2 portions you do not have to be two people.. just eat it twice. Some people will maybe also not be adults.. I try to just offer cheap recipes and expect people themselves that they can look at their own situation a tad.

I do not have the supermarkets near me you list.

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